Thomas Edison refused to quit once his first attempts to discover a filament for his carbon incandescent light failed. He continued his research by doing numerous experiments with many different materials, however, each unsuccessful. With each failing, Edison, perhaps out of pure disappointment, tossed the useless component out the window until the pile ultimately reached the next story of his house.

Subsequently, on 13th of October 1879, after 13 months of repetitive failures, Edison eventually succeeded in his research for a filament which would stand the stress of an electric energy. His perseverance against discouraging possibilities had given the world the wonder of the electric light bulb!

Perseverance is the determination you make to yourself to do whatever is important to complete your most treasured goals and dreams. Perseverance signifies you refuse to quit in spite of the problem which may surround you and in spite people who tell you that your objective is unachievable. Perseverance is a basic attribute of a successful character.

To complete something, which is easy is something any person can do. Nevertheless, to complete that, which is challenging – even apparently impossible – is something that makes you different.

Einstein was sluggish in learning how to talk. In fact, his mom and dad were so worried about their kid’s lack of normal speech progress that they consulted a doctor. Throughout Einstein’s youth, one teacher expelled him from school and another claimed that he would never amount to much. However, Einstein persevered. Most widely known for his theory of relativity and especially mass energy equivalence, stated by the equation E = mc2. He received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his services to Theoretical Physics, and specifically for his invention of the law of the photoelectric effect. Now his name is synonymous using genius.

Never Give Up! Once you are working toward a purpose and something or someone offers you an excuse to give up, say, “NEVER.” Many individuals are living lesser lives today than what they could have had if perhaps that had not permitted something or someone to rob their dreams.

Defeat Fear with Faith. Do not allow fear dictate which you are or what you are able to do. Have faith in yourself; realize that God has a plan for your life and that it is he who places chances in your life completely expecting that you’re going to make the most of them.

Learn Lesson from your Failures. All of us encounter failures along journey of life. There is a reason behind this: in every failure there is the seed of a lesson well figured out. Each failure we encounter reinforces an appearing solid character quality. It’s our failures which contribute most strongly to our character improvement.

Be Entirely Focused on your Goals. Whatever you begin do it with all of your heart. Spend your entire self in each project. When you can’t make a one hundred percent to a goal, you need to understand the fact that it is unachievable. Remarkable success demands remarkable commitment.

Welcome Tough Situations. Recent research in biology and psychology, are confirming what our grandparents realized intuitively: exposure to tough situations makes us stronger, and mentally more resilient. Whenever tough situations arise here are some ideas to consider:

  • Concentrate on what you have, not on what you have lost.
  • Don’t be blinded by problems, look for opportunities that may exist due to the situation.
  • Consider how you have been helped by the problem: how it has improved your personal values, which impact it has had on your relationships with your family members, how it has transformed you spiritually.
  • Consider the advantages of the event: maybe you have rediscovered some particular values, or rediscovered a goal, or learned more about your purpose and mission in life.
  • Think about how the situation has made your life more meaningful.

Do your Best all the time. Don’t make the mistake of convinced that anything less than your best will be due, it won’t. There exists an old adage that will be true forever – “Do your best and the best will be back to you”. It is another rule of the universe that is immutable. Apply it to your advantage.


Thoughts perform a vital role in our life. When we have positive thinking we can expect more optimistic improvements in our life whilst negative thinking can make even good things bad. I can’t explain its significance in words, as it performs a role in every sphere of life. Certainly we all want to follow positive thinking and enhance the existing one nevertheless, it is possible and how much time will it last.

Every day we all learn new things however, nothing remains for more than couple of hours or days. What is the reason? Well, it depends on the intensity of acknowledgement, when we feel strongly about anything then it will stick with us, in our actions and memory for a long time and when anything just touches us lightly then it will fade away shortly. Realizing some basic principles of life can assist us to adopt positive strategy in life that will stay longer and will significantly improve our positive thinking over the time.

Why positive thinking is important in our life

Just one negative thought may play havoc in our life. It’s just like a rotten apple that ruins all other apples in the basket. When we can follow a positive strategy in life we can cross almost all difficulties of life more easily. Actually positive thinking is an art of life, a powerful support of mutual co-existence on earth.

Difficulties we face right now are rooted in our earlier actions, our strategy at that time. Positive thinking isn’t an individual welfare scheme it is about worldwide wellness. How can we consider creating a positive strategy in life for individual welfare with a narrow mindedness? ‘Live and lets live’ is the fundamental principle of life and if don’t realize; we should not expect progress of an everlasting real positive thinking.

We should realize and learn that peaceful co-existence is achievable and essential for survival of the earth and its living creatures. When we have some uncertainty, then we aren’t able to proceed any further as subconsciously our mind will attempt to make hurdles in one form or another. Peaceful co-existence isn’t a theory, it isn’t a philosophical principle alone, it is an undeniable fact and today we even have scientific evidence in its favor.

Our personal well-being and happiness depends on others, our environment is a natural community. A happy community creates a positive environment which enhances confidence and positive thinking. However, if things are not well around us then it will affect our mentality and eventually our personal well-being.

How to develop your positive thinking

Generally use positive words while talking and thinking. Use words like, “I can”, “I am able”, “it could be done”, “it is possible” etc. Raise your kid with “you’re capable of doing anything you set your mind and heart to doing” and “everything is achievable”. Allow into your attention just feelings of strength, happiness, and achievements. Make an effort to ignore and disregard negative thoughts. Refuse to believe such thoughts, and replace them with positive happy thoughts. Prior to starting with any action or plan, imagine clearly in your mind its successful result. Imagine with faith and concentration – BELIEVE the result will be successful. Keep in mind that positive follows positive and negative follows negative.

Read minimum one page of an inspiring magazine or book every day. The Power of Positive Thinking is one of my favorite books which written by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. Watch films which feel you happy or make laugh – I usually pick a comedy when choosing a film. I don’t watch fighting or war films. Reduce the time you listen to the news and read the newspapers. I don’t listen to or watch the news or even read a newspaper. Any depressing talk! Indeed, this is “reality” however, I can decide to read or listen to the news I need to know about. Connect yourself with individuals who think positively. Once more… a positive attitude is infectious.

About the “reality” note – have tension in your life, which is completely negative and it’s very difficult to think positively. However, this is a portion of life and we all experience it at some time or another… so… take a fast walk, ride a bike, swim, go to the fitness center and exercise or do some other physical activity. This not only aids you to develop a more positive attitude, but it burns off the tension, as well!


Improving motivation in the workplace can have various positive advantages regardless of whether you are the employee or the employer. For the employer, improving motivation in the workplace may lead to better employee maintenance, enhanced employee morale, enhanced productivity, and finally increased profits. For the employee, improving workplace motivation can result in quicker promotions, a more satisfying career, and better potential for progress.

Certainly, there is a multitude of advantages to increasing motivation at work. In today’s modern settings, there may be several barriers and stressors to feeling inspired and fulfilled in a workplace. Here are a few techniques you can increase motivation while experiencing vitalize and present in your job, no matter which side of the relationship you are on.


Establish Your Primary Goal

The initial step toward improved workplace motivation is to basically design and actionable as well as compelling function for becoming more inspired. Are you wanted to become more inspired? Do you think that improved motivation would produce more vitality for your day? Do you think that a growth motivation would allow you to offer a better service to your clients? This step should not be overlooked.

As soon as understanding your goal for motivation, it is crucial to come up with a clear goal which has meaning. Frankly saying you want to become more inspired to make more cash is a very vague goal and will not have the stamina to keep you are going through the weeks or months in advance.

Once you define a specific goal that will both motivate and excite you, you will obviously sense stronger toward obtaining your goal. It’s also very essential to choose a primary goal that also excites you emotionally. Choosing a goal that will emotionally employ you is far more likely to employ your logical and creative faculties to choose a plan of strategy for its achievement.


Be More Present in Your Regular Activity

Whenever you become present and completely involved in the current moment, you will discover that you’ve got more energy and focus for the job. It’s quite common for many to have numerous distractions, stresses, or thoughts constantly at all hours. Clear the disturbances in order to concentrate and be present in the current task or moment to access increased level of motivation.

For a similar purpose that it can be hard to focus on your job when you are thinking about bills you have to pay, it can be more difficult to obtain required tasks when you are involved in different thoughts. Through mastering how to better manage your thoughts and become more present, you need to access increased energy in motivation.

One easy technique you can apply is to ask yourself at several times how engaged and present you are in the moment. When your answer is less than completely engaged or present, you can perform to reduce your disturbing thoughts.


Use a Mission Plan for Your Work time

A task list is tedious and discouraging. Many people use work lists to record small works and useless progress throughout their day. An even more efficient way is to define a specific mission plan depend on your goal.

Once you use a meaningful and certain purpose to a larger mission for the day, you will discover that you more effortlessly achieve the small chores naturally on the path toward finishing the mission plan. This method can change a dreary list of 20 small chores into a much smaller grouping of regular missions that will be far more motivating to accomplish.


Pairing Strategies

These are generally a few of the most effective concepts and strategies you can follow in trying to gain improved motivation in the workplace. There are many other strategies available appreciated by many as well as the two listed here.

When you combine other techniques for life, work, and mental enhancement with this effective set of motivation concepts, you will surge ahead of your peers who don’t employ these strategies.

Improving motivation in the workplace through understanding a clear goal and with a mission plan is created to build an effective cornerstone from which you can learn to enhance your motivation in other region of life as well. Just like all self-improvement methods, practice will increase your results. Try it out and experience a boost of motivation at work and through other regions in your life.


Motivation would be the characteristic, which is needed to get anything in life; devoid of it you will surrender at the primary warning of adversity. It implies to instigate, inspire as well as encourage someone to do their best. It will force someone to consider – ‘If I can’t, then I must’ and will lead them to do anything to be successful. When you encourage motivation it can transform your entire life. You will be motivated to obtain what you want, no matter what people tell you which you can’t do. I have seen people use the motivation aspects in life to acquire from poverty to prosperity.

Motivation has ability to move mountains. The ability of the human thoughts, and its brilliance on the physical body, has long been tested. The human race is considered the most superior amongst all creature of God. As time passes we have learned to control our mind. We have strived to achieve our goals and ambitions. However, there are times that we often get off track from our objective and meaning. This is just natural since humans undergo lows and highs after a while.

Certainly you have realized that once you begin to feel depressed or low, it has an impact on your output and productivity. Your performance will suffer, and eventually your eagerness wanes. In that case, some motivation can help you get you back on your feet. One good idea to enhance your eagerness is to read motivational quotes. Simply the easy process of reading quotes can assist you in ways which you never thought before.

Usually motivational quotes are spoken or written by famous people from various walks of life. Most of these quotes have come from philosophical scriptures, religious texts, or even from influential business personalities and political figures throughout time. Good quotes inspire and motivate us in our regular lives. They allow us to gain the self-confidence, which is sometimes missing in ourselves. The knowledge you receive is something that you could treasure forever.

An excellent way to apply motivational quotes is to assist you develop a more optimistic and positive strategy toward your life. You can simply find excellent quotes in inspirational movies, books, motivational speakers, and from biographies. Most of these options are great opportunities and tools for modifying your outlook and improving your confidence.

You possibly can place sticky notes along with quotes you get inspiring on your table at your home and at workplace. It will be an excellent technique to use them on a regular basis. Put them in proper places within easy watch. It will serve like a regular reminder to keep working towards your objectives.

Another technique that quotes can assist you to achieve motivation is to write these down or say these aloud. Many people are preserving a record of motivational quotes, and several keep scrapbooks stuffed with these types of quotes in order to stay inspired.

Most significantly, motivational quotes become more life-changing and meaningful while dealing with another person. Motivational quotes can inspire and change many people’s life. Once you discuss a quote which suits the specific situation of a person who is confused or down, you can support them to find a sense of good cheer and confidence.

One day a man was passing the elephants, he stopped suddenly, perplexed by the point that these large creatures were being kept by just a small string tied to their front leg. Not any cages or chains. It was sure that the elephants can break the bonds at any time. However, for some unknown reason, they would not.

He found an animal-trainer nearby and asked why the elephants just stood there and did not try to escape. Well, animal-trainer explained, once they are so young and much smaller we utilize the similar string to tie them and, from that age, it’s enough to keep them. When they become adults, they are trained to believe they can’t break away. The elephants believe the string can still hold them, so they never attempt to escape.

The man was surprised. These creatures could escape from their bonds at any time. However, because they thought they couldn’t, they were trapped exactly where they were.

Just like the elephants, how many people undergo life hanging on to an opinion that they can’t make a move, due to the fact they unsuccessful at it once before? Failing is a portion of learning. We should not give up the battle in life.