Thomas Edison refused to quit once his first attempts to discover a filament for his carbon incandescent light failed. He continued his research by doing numerous experiments with many different materials, however, each unsuccessful. With each failing, Edison, perhaps out of pure disappointment, tossed the useless component out the window until the pile ultimately reached the next story of his house.

Subsequently, on 13th of October 1879, after 13 months of repetitive failures, Edison eventually succeeded in his research for a filament which would stand the stress of an electric energy. His perseverance against discouraging possibilities had given the world the wonder of the electric light bulb!

Perseverance is the determination you make to yourself to do whatever is important to complete your most treasured goals and dreams. Perseverance signifies you refuse to quit in spite of the problem which may surround you and in spite people who tell you that your objective is unachievable. Perseverance is a basic attribute of a successful character.

To complete something, which is easy is something any person can do. Nevertheless, to complete that, which is challenging – even apparently impossible – is something that makes you different.

Einstein was sluggish in learning how to talk. In fact, his mom and dad were so worried about their kid’s lack of normal speech progress that they consulted a doctor. Throughout Einstein’s youth, one teacher expelled him from school and another claimed that he would never amount to much. However, Einstein persevered. Most widely known for his theory of relativity and especially mass energy equivalence, stated by the equation E = mc2. He received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his services to Theoretical Physics, and specifically for his invention of the law of the photoelectric effect. Now his name is synonymous using genius.

Never Give Up! Once you are working toward a purpose and something or someone offers you an excuse to give up, say, “NEVER.” Many individuals are living lesser lives today than what they could have had if perhaps that had not permitted something or someone to rob their dreams.

Defeat Fear with Faith. Do not allow fear dictate which you are or what you are able to do. Have faith in yourself; realize that God has a plan for your life and that it is he who places chances in your life completely expecting that you’re going to make the most of them.

Learn Lesson from your Failures. All of us encounter failures along journey of life. There is a reason behind this: in every failure there is the seed of a lesson well figured out. Each failure we encounter reinforces an appearing solid character quality. It’s our failures which contribute most strongly to our character improvement.

Be Entirely Focused on your Goals. Whatever you begin do it with all of your heart. Spend your entire self in each project. When you can’t make a one hundred percent to a goal, you need to understand the fact that it is unachievable. Remarkable success demands remarkable commitment.

Welcome Tough Situations. Recent research in biology and psychology, are confirming what our grandparents realized intuitively: exposure to tough situations makes us stronger, and mentally more resilient. Whenever tough situations arise here are some ideas to consider:

  • Concentrate on what you have, not on what you have lost.
  • Don’t be blinded by problems, look for opportunities that may exist due to the situation.
  • Consider how you have been helped by the problem: how it has improved your personal values, which impact it has had on your relationships with your family members, how it has transformed you spiritually.
  • Consider the advantages of the event: maybe you have rediscovered some particular values, or rediscovered a goal, or learned more about your purpose and mission in life.
  • Think about how the situation has made your life more meaningful.

Do your Best all the time. Don’t make the mistake of convinced that anything less than your best will be due, it won’t. There exists an old adage that will be true forever – “Do your best and the best will be back to you”. It is another rule of the universe that is immutable. Apply it to your advantage.