Thoughts perform a vital role in our life. When we have positive thinking we can expect more optimistic improvements in our life whilst negative thinking can make even good things bad. I can’t explain its significance in words, as it performs a role in every sphere of life. Certainly we all want to follow positive thinking and enhance the existing one nevertheless, it is possible and how much time will it last.

Every day we all learn new things however, nothing remains for more than couple of hours or days. What is the reason? Well, it depends on the intensity of acknowledgement, when we feel strongly about anything then it will stick with us, in our actions and memory for a long time and when anything just touches us lightly then it will fade away shortly. Realizing some basic principles of life can assist us to adopt positive strategy in life that will stay longer and will significantly improve our positive thinking over the time.

Why positive thinking is important in our life

Just one negative thought may play havoc in our life. It’s just like a rotten apple that ruins all other apples in the basket. When we can follow a positive strategy in life we can cross almost all difficulties of life more easily. Actually positive thinking is an art of life, a powerful support of mutual co-existence on earth.

Difficulties we face right now are rooted in our earlier actions, our strategy at that time. Positive thinking isn’t an individual welfare scheme it is about worldwide wellness. How can we consider creating a positive strategy in life for individual welfare with a narrow mindedness? ‘Live and lets live’ is the fundamental principle of life and if don’t realize; we should not expect progress of an everlasting real positive thinking.

We should realize and learn that peaceful co-existence is achievable and essential for survival of the earth and its living creatures. When we have some uncertainty, then we aren’t able to proceed any further as subconsciously our mind will attempt to make hurdles in one form or another. Peaceful co-existence isn’t a theory, it isn’t a philosophical principle alone, it is an undeniable fact and today we even have scientific evidence in its favor.

Our personal well-being and happiness depends on others, our environment is a natural community. A happy community creates a positive environment which enhances confidence and positive thinking. However, if things are not well around us then it will affect our mentality and eventually our personal well-being.

How to develop your positive thinking

Generally use positive words while talking and thinking. Use words like, “I can”, “I am able”, “it could be done”, “it is possible” etc. Raise your kid with “you’re capable of doing anything you set your mind and heart to doing” and “everything is achievable”. Allow into your attention just feelings of strength, happiness, and achievements. Make an effort to ignore and disregard negative thoughts. Refuse to believe such thoughts, and replace them with positive happy thoughts. Prior to starting with any action or plan, imagine clearly in your mind its successful result. Imagine with faith and concentration – BELIEVE the result will be successful. Keep in mind that positive follows positive and negative follows negative.

Read minimum one page of an inspiring magazine or book every day. The Power of Positive Thinking is one of my favorite books which written by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. Watch films which feel you happy or make laugh – I usually pick a comedy when choosing a film. I don’t watch fighting or war films. Reduce the time you listen to the news and read the newspapers. I don’t listen to or watch the news or even read a newspaper. Any depressing talk! Indeed, this is “reality” however, I can decide to read or listen to the news I need to know about. Connect yourself with individuals who think positively. Once more… a positive attitude is infectious.

About the “reality” note – have tension in your life, which is completely negative and it’s very difficult to think positively. However, this is a portion of life and we all experience it at some time or another… so… take a fast walk, ride a bike, swim, go to the fitness center and exercise or do some other physical activity. This not only aids you to develop a more positive attitude, but it burns off the tension, as well!